About the Film
Mr. Temple and the Tigerbelles is the story of legendary track and field TSU (Tennessee State University) coach Ed Temple and the incredible group of 40 African American female athletes who broke the color barrier of the Olympics during the Jim Crow era, snagging 23 medals, 16 of them gold, the most renowned of who was Wilma Rudolf, who in Rome 1960 became the first American to win three gold medals in one Olympic. Not only did they excel in track, but 100 percent of them graduated, many going to receive Masters and Doctorates.

Mr. Temple Starts Coaching
Ed Temple starts Tennessee State University’s track and field team, called the Tigerbelles
The Tigerbelles make their Olympic debut
The Olympics that took place in Melburne, Australia was where to Tigerbelles made their debut, scoring several bronze medals in the process.
Wilma Rudolf Makes History
Wilma Rudolf made history as the first American woman to receive 3 gold medals in one Olympics. The Tigerbelles brought home 5 gold medals in total.
Wyomia Tyus Becomes the Fastest Woman in the World
At the 1964 Summer Olympics, Wyomia Tyus emerges as the fastest woman in the world as she wins the gold medal for the 100 meters and setting a new world record at 11.08 seconds!
Coach Cheese Takes Over the Tigerbelles
Once a Tigerbelle, forever a Tigerbelle! Coach Chandra Cheeseborough-Guice returns to her alma mater to take over the team that gave her so much.
Cemented in History
Mr. Temple is inducted into the Olympics Hall of Fame